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Employee Training

Build a mindset of security with Comprehensive I.T. Security Training!

In today’s digital landscape, the risk of data loss, confidential information ending up in the wrong hands, and scammers orchestrating large payments is a constant concern. Human error often plays a significant role in these incidents. It’s imperative that your employees are equipped to recognise, prevent, and respond to these risks effectively.

Equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital world securely, safeguard sensitive data, and prevent costly security breaches.

Top 5 security risks employees are exposed to:

• Falling prey to phishing by inputting credentials on deceptive websites that appear legitimate.
• Failing to verify the authenticity of emails, such as fraudulent requests for urgent money transfers seemingly from a company executive.
• Scammers hijacking email threads with clients or vendors, inserting fraudulent payment instructions at opportune moments.
• Fraudulent calls to your office from individuals posing as bank representatives, seeking transaction verification.
• Transferring confidential data onto non-secure mediums, like USB drives.

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya
Image by Arlington Research

Empower your employees with comprehensive cyber security training

• Pinpoint the cyber security knowledge gaps for each employee.
• Conduct simulated phishing tests to assess team members’ detection abilities.
• Offer customized, continuous training based on individual assessment results.
• Provide flexible online training sessions to accommodate each team member’s schedule.

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105 Courses available in the following areas, plus more

Cloud security, Removable media, Mobile devices, social media, social engineering, Public WIFI, Working remotely, Security at home, Physical security, Secure passwords Phishing, Internet & email.

Monitor for Breaches

Continual monitor for breached websites that users have signed up for. See what kind of information may have been breached.


No minimum contract, cancel with just 1 months’ notice.


Fully Managed Service
Base cost: £30.00 per month, additional £4.00 per employee per month.


Example: For 7 employees:
Employee cost: 7 x £4.00 = £28.00
Total monthly cost: £30.00 + £28.00 = £58.00

Self-managed service
£2.50 per month per employee


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